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Kvart & Bølge Makers of Audiophile, Quarter-Wave,
Full-Range Loudspeakers and Sound Systems
Arved Deecke
28. aug. 20155 min læsning
Hi-Fi History: Magnetic Tape or The Story of Fifteen Führers. (As if one Hitler wasn't enough...
There is a law set in stone about communication on the internet that I have come to realize is an undeniable truth. This is Godwin’s Rule...
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Arved Deecke
24. aug. 20153 min læsning
Hifi History: The Mahatma Gandhi of Sonic Weapons
The other day I wrote about sonic weapons. After some deliberation I came to the conclusion that sound, while technically feasible is a...
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Arved Deecke
22. aug. 20155 min læsning
Audiophile Myths: What's the Deal with Sonic Weapons?
For all those who have not seen the 1996 Movie “Mars Attacks”, let me inform you that it is well-established science fiction fact,...
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Arved Deecke
14. aug. 20154 min læsning
HiFi History: The Touchless Instrument
Lev Sergeyevich Termen was a Russian inventor born in 1896 who later renamed himself Léon Theremin to become all the rage in 1920 Europe...
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Arved Deecke
12. aug. 20154 min læsning
HiFi History: 50HP 200 ton Synthesizer.
The first contraption that ever produced synthetic music weighed a mere 7 tons. The second one already weighed 200 tons and it was so...
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Arved Deecke
10. aug. 20153 min læsning
HiFi History: The First Amplifier Ever Ran on Compressed Air...
Charles Algernon Parson, a turn of the previous century Anglo-Irish inventor, was certainly one to think outside the box. An expert in...
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Arved Deecke
23. jul. 20154 min læsning
The Arguably most Extravagant Way to Reproduce Sound: Plasma Speakers.
Plasma is the most elusive of the four states of matter in physics; there are solids, liquids, gases, and well, plasma. Heating a gas in...
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Arved Deecke
21. jul. 20154 min læsning
Please Crank up the Volume, the Silence is Driving the Neighbors Crazy.
A well-known fact about our human existence is that too much noise can drive us crazy. A less known fact might be that too much silence...
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Arved Deecke
8. jul. 20155 min læsning
A Wall of Sound: How The Grateful Dead Built the First Modern Concert PA System and the Second Large
Here is my theory: In the sixties music sounded like sixties music, not entirely by choice but by technology. In the the time of Jimi...
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Arved Deecke
1. jul. 20154 min læsning
Fateful Attraction: About Neodymium Magnets in High-End Loudspeakers (Contains Graphic Material)
Not too long ago, something happened that was really quite remarkable and it sort of crept into our lives without most of us taking...
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Arved Deecke
25. jun. 20154 min læsning
Acoustic Levitation: Come Lift us up Where We Belong.
We humans are a rather fantastic species. If we decide to be that is; otherwise we can also be quite the pest. One of the things that...
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Arved Deecke
21. jun. 20153 min læsning
Wave Field Synthesis: Living Inside the Sound
German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz was a brilliant man but his work on sound and fluid dynamics is most well known for the...
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Arved Deecke
28. maj 20153 min læsning
If we don´t build the loudest loudspeakers in the world, who does? The miraculous world of loudness.
When researching cool concrete loudspeaker designs the other day, I ran across one that stood out enough from the other by the simple...
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Arved Deecke
8. maj 20155 min læsning
Cool Concrete. Loudspeakers that weigh a lot and one that will kill you.
Let me start with this: No we will not be making speakers out of concrete any time soon. First, because we have our hands full with our...
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Arved Deecke
5. maj 20153 min læsning
Salad to Sound, the Best of IKEA Bowl Loudspeaker Building.
Friday´s blog on my speakers made from IKEA bowls went viral. Thousands of people read the article and hundreds commented 50 shared....
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Arved Deecke
23. apr. 20158 min læsning
A Thousand Ways to Skin a Cat. Choose Yours. An Introduction to Different Types of Loudspeakers
When I entered the venture of building loudspeakers not too long ago I must admit that I did so a little haphazardly. Almost entirely...
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Arved Deecke
18. apr. 20155 min læsning
How Much Bass is Enough Bass?
So after yesterday’s blog on full range, single driver loudspeakers a heated debate broke loose on several forums around the web. The...
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Arved Deecke
15. apr. 20151 min læsning
Everything owns its existence to sound: About the incredible work of Nigel Stanford.
I had to look it up: CYMATICS: The study of sound made visible. Now granted we have all seen the odd little science experiment at...
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