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Kvart & Bølge Makers of Audiophile, Quarter-Wave,
Full-Range Loudspeakers and Sound Systems
Arved Deecke
13. aug. 20151 min læsning
The Stones vs. The Beatles Continued....
So after the lively Stones vs. Beatles feud on the Internet over the weekend and Keef's deprecating remarks on both Sgt. Pepper and The...
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Arved Deecke
12. aug. 20151 min læsning
The Stones vs. The Beatles Continued....
So after the lively Stones vs. Beatles feud on the Internet over the weekend and Keef's deprecating remarks on both Sgt. Pepper and The...
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Arved Deecke
12. aug. 20154 min læsning
HiFi History: 50HP 200 ton Synthesizer.
The first contraption that ever produced synthetic music weighed a mere 7 tons. The second one already weighed 200 tons and it was so...
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Arved Deecke
11. aug. 20151 min læsning
The Stones vs. The Beatles Continued....
So after the lively Stones vs. Beatles feud on the Internet over the weekend and Keef's deprecating remarks on both Sgt. Pepper and The...
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Arved Deecke
10. aug. 20153 min læsning
HiFi History: The First Amplifier Ever Ran on Compressed Air...
Charles Algernon Parson, a turn of the previous century Anglo-Irish inventor, was certainly one to think outside the box. An expert in...
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Arved Deecke
10. aug. 20151 min læsning
The Stones vs. The Beatles Continued....
So after the lively Stones vs. Beatles feud on the Internet over the weekend and Keef's deprecating remarks on both Sgt. Pepper and The...
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Arved Deecke
8. aug. 20151 min læsning
Relax it's Friday! What Side of The Divide are You On?
After Keef's deprecating remarks on both Sgt. Pepper and The Satanic Majesties last Thursday, it's clear that the Stones vs. Beatles feud...
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Arved Deecke
8. aug. 20157 min læsning
7 Ways Phase Shifts Can Kill Your Goosebumps.
When buying speakers there are a couple of parameters that are rather intuitive for us to grasp. Distortion is very audible, and we...
342 visninger0 kommentarer
Arved Deecke
6. aug. 20152 min læsning
Keith Richards: Sgt. Pepper a Mishmash of Rubbish.
Many of us have always considered "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" a milestone album in music history. It was definitely...
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Arved Deecke
5. aug. 20153 min læsning
On the Turntable Tonight? Looks Like a Can of Beer.
Thomas Alva Edison was a man of many talents and many times his inventions were able to completely redefine entire industries and...
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Arved Deecke
4. aug. 20155 min læsning
9 Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told me Before I Bought my First Stereo.
I remember well, a younger man, when I first ventured into the wonderful world of high-end audiophile audio. I spent quite some time...
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Arved Deecke
3. aug. 20153 min læsning
Audiophile Myths No.7: Make $992'750 by Dancing Blindfolded.
James Randi used to be a stage magician, who at some point in his life evolved to becoming a scientific skeptic best known for his...
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Arved Deecke
31. jul. 20153 min læsning
On the Turntable Tonight? Well, a Compact Disk...
After yesterday´s article on “Bones Music”, or music recorded on X-Ray Films to be sold as contraband in the times of USSR censorship,...
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Arved Deecke
31. jul. 20152 min læsning
Passion for Music: 1000 Musicians Join in Italy to Lure the Foo Fighters to Come Back for a Concert
Pure Goosebumps and another shout-out to all those so incredibly passionate about music. In a meadow in the northern Italian town of...
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Arved Deecke
30. jul. 20154 min læsning
Bones Music: How records made from old X-Rays made Beatlemania Possible in the USSR.
For those who don´t know me, I dedicate myself to the design and manufacturing of high end audiophile loudspeakers, and as I...
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Arved Deecke
28. jul. 20157 min læsning
Remarkable Vinyl: The Silk Pink Padded "Satanic Majesties" Promotional Album Debunked.
For those who don´t know, me I dedicate myself to making high-end audiophile loudspeakers at a really good price, but we realize that...
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Arved Deecke
23. jul. 20154 min læsning
The Arguably most Extravagant Way to Reproduce Sound: Plasma Speakers.
Plasma is the most elusive of the four states of matter in physics; there are solids, liquids, gases, and well, plasma. Heating a gas in...
418 visninger0 kommentarer
Arved Deecke
21. jul. 20154 min læsning
Please Crank up the Volume, the Silence is Driving the Neighbors Crazy.
A well-known fact about our human existence is that too much noise can drive us crazy. A less known fact might be that too much silence...
55 visninger0 kommentarer
Arved Deecke
13. jul. 20152 min læsning
Acoustic Lobing Explained.
One of those elusive concepts about acoustics that many people involved in high-end loudspeaker design might not be fully familiar...
2.187 visninger0 kommentarer
Arved Deecke
8. jul. 20155 min læsning
A Wall of Sound: How The Grateful Dead Built the First Modern Concert PA System and the Second Large
Here is my theory: In the sixties music sounded like sixties music, not entirely by choice but by technology. In the the time of Jimi...
4.074 visninger0 kommentarer
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